a recipe from the college kitchen:

Yuzu and Lemon Posset with Raspberry Jelly and Ginger Crumb

Yuzu and lemon posset

Recipe makes 12


1200ml double cream 

300g caster sugar

Juice and zest of four lemons

25ml Yuzu essence 

500g frozen raspberries

2 tbsp icing sugar

2/3 gelatine leaves

10 ginger nut biscuits 


  1. Slowly heat up the cream and sugar until it comes to boil, let it lightly boil for three minutes.

  2. Add the lemon juice, zest and Yuzu and simmer for two minutes; then pour into moulds and refrigerate to set.

  3. Add frozen raspberries to another pan on a medium low heat with icing sugar and a little water (50-100ml) and heat until they break apart and release their juice. Blitz in a food processor.

  4. Pass the raspberry mixture though a fine sieve and set aside.

  5. Bloom your gelatine in cold water, (you will need one sheet per 100ml of raspberry juice). Once soft, add to the warm raspberry mixture and mix well. Once cool, pour on top of your set possets and refrigerate again.

  6. Blitz the ginger nut biscuits in a food processor and sprinkle over the top to garnish.

Sean Ducie, Head Chef


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100 years of ppe: 1920-2020