first-year music student wins composition prize

Alaw Evans

First-year music undergraduate Alaw Evans has won the composition prize for the 14-25 age group at the 2021 Urdd National Eisteddfod.  The Urdd National Eisteddfod is an annual Welsh-language youth festival of literature, music, and performing arts organised by Urdd Gobaith Cymru. 

Alaw writes, “Winning the Main Composer of the Urdd Eisteddfod 2021 is an honour. Having competed in various performance competitions in the Urdd as a singer and harpist throughout my years at school, this is the first time that I ventured into competing as a composer. 

This piece is especially meaningful to me, as I composed it based on an ancient Welsh myth that is based around the area of my upbringing. A programmatic setting allowed me to explore many elements of story telling through music. Coupled with the modal, Celtic-inspired harmony used, I hope that this piece is successful in invoking a clear image of the rich Welsh heritage that it is rooted in."


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